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Sound Medicine Festival 2023

We believe that Music & Sound are the Medicine of the future and the future is NOW!!

This year we are super exited to make one of our dreams come true... A Gong Camp / Sound Healing Gathering / Chill out Jamming with friends by the River / A sharing of Grounding and Connecting Practices / Time for Music, Art, Movement, Nature, where we can release doing and drop into being. We have called it the "Sound Medicine Festival", and it is happening from 21 to 26 June 2023!!

Join us and our Guests for 4 full days of Gongs, Movement and Sound Healing in a celebration of life at the banks of the River Genal, in Andalucía, Spain! Celebrating the Summer solstice, where we will weave our dreams into being with threads of Sound.

Our aim is to share the use of sound and music as medicine in our daily lives. A time to disconnect from your routine and connect with your essence and wellbeing.

The Festival will take place at a beautiful spot at the banks of the Genal River. A peaceful heaven where you can feel the power of nature and all the elements caress your soul.

During this Festival we will have several special guests, who also happen to be dear friends, offering their art as part of the programme. Each of them professionals and masters of their offerings, which aim to connect you with you body and feelings through breath, movement and sound. Creating a space where you can release and empower yourself.

The Program:

As well as the above programmed events, we will have a number of other activities happening alongside. Some of what will be on offer, weather dependent: Singing Bowls in the Water experience, Walk in nature to learn about medicinal and edible wild plants, Flute playing workshop, Entertainment for children, Jamming, Women's circles...

Each day you will have the opportunity to enjoy a Gong Siesta. Traditional in warmer countries, we will compliment this rest time with a soothing Gong Bath offered in the early afternoon, after lunch. Each day the Gong Siesta will be offered by a different person or team. If you would like to be part of the Siesta team contact us

This gathering is for all ages. Families are welcome!!

Our daily practice is to connect deeply with nature and listen to her inner song, through the birds, the wind, the river and all the beings that inhabit this earth. Our mission is to gather with like minded people, who practice and search for new ways of connecting, with themselves, with nature and with humanity as a whole. Sustainable living woven together by the threads of Music and sound.

Sound Medicine Festival was borne of a dream...

Meet the dreamers: Tom Soltron & Abby Delsol of Tone of life

Just click on our names to read more about us...

Nature informs how we create and perceive sound. Over the years, there have been multiple systems set up to unify sound, often in a Western context and understanding of hertz, and universal tunings to them. We rely on earlier and more primal origins of sound based in nature and the elements (air, fire, water, ether, earth.), and our direct relationship with it.

Sound Medicine Festival is that return to a more primal, intuitive and felt way of perceiving the vibration that unites and heals us. We live in a modern world, with many new technological tools available to make sound, to share sound, to measure sound.... basically to 'science' sound and encapsulate everything into a concept or a system. It seems we have forgotten how to feel sound, how to bypass the mind and trust our most primal sense of intuition and non-analytical hearing... everything has to be explained, and what we overlook is that sometimes the explanation is just strengthening our mental approach and distancing us from just 'Feeling' though our skin, ears, eyes, nose, mouth and above all Heart.

This is a time to dance together, make music together, make art together, create ceremony together, experience the healing power of Nature and Sound together.

Meet our Friends:

Lukas Med aka El Coyotee MEDicina

“I am already given to the power that rules my fate. I cling to nothing, so I have nothing to defend. I have no thoughts, so I will See. I fear nothing, so I will remember myself. Detached and at ease, I will dart past the Eagle To be Free” -Carlos Castaneda

My first encounter with the Path of the Heart began in 2001, when accidentally a book, called “The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge”, landed in my hands. This was the beginning. After finishing all Carlos books, it was time for the experience and practical work of the Unknown. I met my first teacher, and the encounters with the other side, plus Magical Passes (Tensegrity), which I practice and teach until this very day, began. Again, this was just an another beginning. I felt I have started on the path which will never end and I loved it. The year 2012 arrived, and with its new beginnings, with few brothers, we have created “The Men Drumming Circle” in Warsaw. Spending time in a sacred circle with brothers made me realised about the little dream that I had: going to Mexico and follow the stories of Carlos Castaneda and maybe find descendants of Toltecs. In 2015 the dream came true and I went for the 3-month journey to Mexico and Peru. I found the Huichol people, the descendants of Toltecs, set in the circle with their elders, met with the marakame, and much more. This journey changed me forever. I came back a different, but the same person, the person, which my heart always knew I had been. This is the path of the heart, which i am traveling, traversing, looking breathlessly and now I am sharing it with you and invite you to experience your own. Are you ready?

Tensegrity: Magical Passes are the series of movements delivered from ancient shamans of Mexico and transformed into Tensegrity by Carlos Castaneda to unlock, move and balance stuck energy in our bodies. Tense and integration which is hidden in the movements creates strong, positive vibrations use to silence our mind, free our potential, strengthen our bodies, remove toxins and give us courage to live our lives full-on. Power of the silenced mind, opens the door to perceive with our Heart. Teaches us to listen to the guide inside, to the healer, the master.

Alicija Eiliakas

Guide and facilitator of therapeutic, experiential and self-development seminars and classes, opening up spaces for participants to experience deep realizations and transformations.

In her practice, through many years of professional development, spiritual explorations and personal experiences, Alicija develops original workshops, practices, rituals and transformational processes with great love and respect for the uniqueness of each participant. Creating a safe loving space in her work both with groups and individual clients.

In her practices she accompanies the person towards their authentic being, helping them to remember who they really are.

She calls herself a mediator between the human personality and the Essence, helping to experience the guidance of the Soul through the connection with the deepest layers of the subconsciousness and the expansion of consciousness. She invites the participant to experience this during her shared practices which include "Deep Experiential Heart Breathing", "Body Wisdom" dance meditations, cocoa ceremonies, "Gratitude Circles", personal rituals and sessions that come to her from what she calls Soul guidance.

Alicija is a professional psychologist and psychotherapist (existential therapy, dance movement, art and sound therapy). After many years of studying and learning from various teachers she now shares what she received from her personal experiences.

For the past fifteen years together with her husband Richard they share the Path of Healing sound in the Baltic countries. Together with their sons Lukas and Bartoš, they created the musical project "Sound Mystery" and play meditative concerts of healing music. Many years ago, they founded the healing sound and psychology studio "The Art to Be", later, with the desire to create a Home of Heart that people can visit all year round, they created a space for magical experiences - the retreat center "Dragonfly Land".

Beata Eckert

For many years Beata has been deepening various techniques of conscious work with the body, movement improvisation, dance, sound and meditation. She is a teacher of 5Rythms®, a masseuse and an instructor of Dance Improvisation, Body Symbolism and Experimental Dance Theatre. She conducts workshops in Poland and abroad and participates in various types of artistic projects.

Bartoš Eiliakas

Is a young instrumental music composer from Lithuania. Specializing mainly in keyboard instruments he connects the world of acoustic and digital sound. By using a synthesis of pianos, gongs, various string instruments, voice and electronica, he creates beautiful soundscapes that put the listener in a trance of bliss. Bartoš creates music with the intention of giving a unique experience for the listener. Instead of just giving music to hear, the audience is invited to participate in a journey through inner emotions, visions and everything that comes in the moment. With the aid of various rituals, cacao ceremonies, guided meditation or most importantly music, the participants are led into a deeper state of being and are encouraged to look inward.

With the release of "Ad Lucem", "Brittle" and "Kaleidoscopia" music albums, the composer shifts through various musical qualities and with the next studio album on the horizon, he hopes to bring something valuable to the infinitely wondrous and mystical world of sound and music.

Africa Nieves

Co-founder of the Permaculture project "Asociación Los Guindales" in Valle del Genal (Málaga) since 2003, as a living example of a Sustainable Rural Development model.

During the Sound Medicine Festival, Africa will share Workshops on Cleaning, Purification and Energetic Blossoming, and Plant Alchemy: Elaboration of Aguas Floridas

Amongst other gifts Africa has a long history as Medicine & Prayer Woman. Healer in alliance with the spirits of Nature for the Cleansing and Blossoming of the energetic body.

Facilitator of Workshops on Medicinal Herbs and Plant Alchemy. "Alkaline, cleansing and energetic food" Nutritionist and Chef. Alchemist of the "Icara" medicinal herbal preparations. Ayurvedic massage therapist. Facilitator of Women's Retreats in Nature. Specialist in Natural Gynaecology, sharing the arts of Herbalism and Phytotherapy. Guardian of a Organic Family Garden and Medicinal Herb Garden. Therapist in consciousness healing processes.

Temazcalera at the Corazón Rojo de la Montaña Steam House.

Space holder at her beautiful retreat centre Casa Guindales in the Genal Valley in Andalucía, Spain.

Aga Strauss

Intuitive Eco Art Workshop

My name is Aga Strauss, I am a graduate of the Faculty of Industrial Design and Jewelry Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, Poland. After receiving my diploma with distinction in 1999, I dedicated all my professional life to designing furniture, jewelry and interior design working for local factories and designers. At that time I also was a full time mother of two lovely children and whenever I had any free time, mainly at night, I kept drawing and painting.

Who am I? An artist with a never ending migraine, who lives in the south of Spain working on her own project entitled AndaLUZya, which is creating art through deep introspection, as a kind of therapeutic expression, visualization of the trip deep inside herself and the intuitive creation of images inspired by insomnia and pain…

Maggie Magowan

As a songwriter, I like to think poetically, and doing so makes me sound so much more interesting! So, with that in mind, I like to believe that any worldly sound can become music. Be it the songbirds, or the roadworks that wake you up in the morning; the sound of babies crying or old toothless men laughing; the silence of the night scattered with cars going by, or is that the wind in the trees? As music is part of the world, we are part of it too; we have the power to push boundaries, the power to provoke action and reaction, the power to break things and the power to mend them again. The power to hate and the power to love. Music represents the ebb and flow of life and as such, its power to heal comes from the inside out.

Music has always had a very big presence in my life. I have been singing since I can remember, inventing and imitating songs on the piano since I was at least four, and falling in love with the guitar at ten. The guitar brought with it notions of songwriting, so I tried my hand at it and it really flourished when I reached high school. I wrote my first full song at the age of 13 and things snowballed from there. A lot of my songs were inspired by everything ranging from feeling like an outcast and teenaged angst, to discovering love and being rebellious! But at about 16, my songwriting and my infatuation with music came to a grinding halt, and I lost touch with music almost completely. Through my late teens I felt immensely misguided and thus began an identity struggle which I still grapple with now. In late 2018 I started a university career that didn’t interest me but it seemed to be what everyone else around me was doing and I wasn’t one to question the status quo (or so I thought!).

The years went by slowly and at 21 I started writing songs again. After the loss of a very close friend, everything I did was infected with undercurrents of grief and a lot of confusion. I had reached a breaking point and the only things I felt I could turn to were music and my own words. Music was an anchor when I felt like I was being swallowed up by my thoughts and a shield against the (nasty) way I often caught myself speaking to myself. My music hasn’t changed much since I was a young teen but as an adult I’ve come into my own creatively, and the last couple of years have consisted of re-learning my love for singing and playing and writing songs. Music has become a place where I can escape to when I need respite from the monotony of life as well as a place to feel grounded when I feel myself spiralling.

When I think about sound as a method for healing, the way I see it, it’s not a band-aid but rather a heart surgery. It doesn’t cover up the problem and try to hide the scar (in a very ugly and obvious way I might add); instead, it tears us open, reaches inside us and with a precise hand it carefully finds and cuts out the root of the problem. What is more, it all happens on a level of consciousness we cannot otherwise reach on our own. And then, it stitches us up again and the scars that are left take time to heal - we care for them and nurture them, knowing that even though we’re still in pain, the worst is over. And the scars that remain remind us of the pain that we went through, but they also tell a story of the pain that we released and overcame.

Teresa Cobo

I trained as graphic and editorial designer and I have always been linked to design and creativity.

When I found how beneficial sound and the vibration of the Gongs are for my body I fully immersed myself in training as a sound therapist.

Now, when I play the Gong I hear the colours, I see the wind, I feel the infinity, I smell the energy, I hear the darkness, I open my heart, I dance in the cosmos, I fly to nature...

The sound of the gong is art in all its expressions and ART is LIFE!

Since then, I promote the culture of the medicine sound of gongs wherever I go.

Clara Alfaro

The Gong entered my life in 2018. When I had my first Gong Bath and I had the feeling I was finally back home. My Hatha Raja Yoga practice and the Gong enabled my self-realization quest. In the year 2000 I graduated in Clinical Psychology, when I meet the Gong I decided Sound was going to be a critical part in my existence and I start training in Sound Healing. I have finally met what makes my heart vibrate, my life's mission, the Gong and Tibetan Bowls vibrations resonate in my heart.

You can find me in Madrid at SonoraS houSe, always doing Sound Meditations.

Organisational Aspects

Food: Regardless of wether you are camping or staying a cottage, you will have cooking facilities. However we will have a catering service available on site for which you can book your meal, or meal option the day before. There are also two restaurants very close to the festival site.


Our 5 days together will be spent at the banks of the Genal River within the parish of Jubrique. A small but lively village at the edge of the Sierra Bermeja in Southern Andalucía, Spain. 45 minutes from the Costal del Sol, nestled amongst Chestnut trees, Oaks, Cork trees, Pines and many other native trees and shrubs, the Genal Valley is a little paradise. Camping San Juan have opened their space next to the river, exclusively for use to gather and share our gifts.

This will be a small intimate gathering with a maximum of 100 places available

There are several options for accommodation all within a maximum 5 minute walk from the main meeting space.

The ticket price includes accommodation unless you are booking a camper van, in which case you must select the Ticket only option for the number of people occupying the camper van and separately the Camper Van option.

Here are the accommodation options:

Tent - Includes mattress - Bring your own bedding

Camper Van - If you are coming in a camper van, please select the Ticket only option for the number of people occupying the camper van and book the Camper Van separately.

Shared cottages - with between 4 and 6 people, with plenty of communal space. Each cottage has a kitchen, bathroom, and sitting room.

Rooms based on double/tripple occupancy, or private double bed rooms for companion travellers (couples, friends or families) comfortable in one bed together.

All bathroom facilities are shared.

Children under the age of 5 come FREE and there are discounted tickets are available for children between the ages of 6 and 15 (this is not published on our website so will need to write to us to to request).

Please make sure you select the correct accommodation when you purchase your ticket.


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